The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport is the steward of Bermuda’s cultural heritage and leads in advancing amateur sport and youth development.  Our job is to celebrate and preserve our culture and heritage, and to develop and support programmes for athletes, young people and artists.

Our mission: To Develop and Celebrate Our People

Meet the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, The Hon. Owen Darrell, JP

Invite the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, the Hon. Owen Darrell, JP to an Event

Our Core Values are:

  • Integrity
  • Commitment to excellence and service
  • Accountability
  • Respect
What do they do?

Connecting Youth, Culture and Sport to YOU is What WE DO

Culture and sport are important: they improve quality of life and promote a sense of community and wellbeing. Young people need access to both culture and sport to develop their identity and contribute positively to our society.  We provide programmes and events to make this happen.

Our Job

  • Preserve and celebrate our culture
  • Support and aid cultural, sport and youth organisations
  • Curate cultural festivals
  • Offer developmental programmes for creatives
  • Assist National Sports Governing Bodies
  • Run youth programmes
  • Manage sports and island camping facilities
  • Operate community centres

Your Role

  • Enjoy and respect our recreation sites and facilities
  • Participate in sports
  • Enjoy our cultural heritage programmes
  • Join our cultural festivals

The Ministry is made up of 3 areas or departments and 2 Government QUANGOS   


Ministry Headquarters

Leads on policies that enhance and enrich the lives of the people of Bermuda

Department of Youth, Sport and Recreation

Delivers youth, sport and recreation services, and celebrates the accomplishments of our people

Implements the National Youth Policy and oversees its Working Group

Department of Culture

Develops our creatives, preserves our heritage and celebrates our people 


Bermuda National Sports Centre

Provides internationally certified facilities for recreation, sport training and competition and entertainment

Bermuda Sport Anti-Doping Authority

Prevents, detects and deters the use of illicit drugs and banned practices in Bermuda’s sporting community


The Ministry appoints 5 Boards related to arts, culture and sports and provides advice to the Minister.

Her Excellency the Governor appoints 9 Parish Councils