What do they do?

Our Mission

To advance the sustainable growth, development and diversification of Bermuda’s Economy.

Our Work

The Economic Development Department (EDD) aims to create new economic pillars in Bermuda. It starts by identifying new opportunities for economic diversification and subjecting them to structured analysis and research. Once areas have been identified and agreed upon, the EDD seeks local and overseas investments to develop new local industries, which will create jobs in Bermuda. The EDD also links the Government and related business sectors and develops networks with international business professionals and organisations.


  1. Facilitating, creating, and implementing policies to support the Bermuda Economic Development Strategy 2023 - 2027.
  2. In collaboration with industry stakeholders, positioning Bermuda as an ideal test market for innovative product and industry development.
  3. Analysing innovative developments and trends through research and stakeholder engagement.
  4. Identifying the jurisdiction’s market fit, clearly communicating its message, and driving opportunities for economic activity.
  5. Processing various Land Licenses and Incentives for Job Maker applications in a timely, efficient, and professional manner.
  6. Facilitating opportunities for technology education, mentoring and training, and support for e-entrepreneurship.
  7. Helping create a more attractive regulatory environment for business and enhanced communication between the Government of Bermuda and the private sector.

E-Commerce Advisory Board

The E-Commerce Advisory Board is a statutory Board (“ECAB”) created under Section 30 of the Electronic Transactions Act 1999 (“ETA”) to advise the Minister about matters relating to e-commerce in Bermuda.  ECAB comes into effect upon publication in the Official Gazette each year and serves until the end of that calendar year.

The Standard for Electronic Transactions was appointed pursuant to  subsections 29(3) and 29(5) of the ETA.