Notice type
Government Notice
Public Notification
Notice ID
Public Authorities / Department
Ministry Level
Publication date




Whereas the Minister of Youth, Culture and Sport considers that Kendaree Burgess of The Bermuda Chamber of Commerce is justifying an exemption from the prohibition in regulation 5(5) of the Public Health (COVID-19 Emergency Powers) (Phased Re-opening) Regulations 2021 on groups of more than 50 persons assembling;

Now therefore, the Minister grants an exemption under regulation 5(5) of those Regulations to Kendaree Burgess of the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce, permitting six (6) gatherings of over 50 persons to assemble for the purposes of Harbour Nights every Wednesday from 21 July to 25 August 2021 at Front Street, City of Hamilton from 7pm to 10pm, subject to the following conditions:

  1. An area will be clearly designated as the “Food Court” in which prepared food in open containers may be prepared, purchased, and consumed; the Food Court area must be physically partitioned with controlled entrances and exits; and the number of attendees in the Food Court cannot exceed 300 persons.
  2. An area will be clearly designated as the “Personal Care Services Area” where all personal care services (such as hair braiding and massages) may be provided; and SafeKey is required for all attendees using personal care services.
  3. Contact tracing details must be collected from all attendees in the Personal Services Area and the Food Court including full name, date and time of visit, phone and email in case there is a positive case in attendance.
  4. Personal services vendors and persons receiving services in Personal Services Area must wear masks during treatments and must adhere to Department of Health’s Personal Service Guidance at
  5. Masks must be worn indoors and outdoors by staff and patrons if 6 foot distancing cannot be maintained, unless eating or drinking, or with members of one household, or during physical exertion unless eating or drinking, per Public Health Guidelines at:
  6. Signage must be available throughout indoor and outdoor settings encouraging physical distancing and indoor mask wearing.
  7. Marshalls must be deployed at the rate of 1 Marshall per 50 attendees, in particular at the entrance, bathrooms, food and drink vending, and narrow and enclosed areas to enforce 6 foot distancing, hand hygiene and mask wearing. Marshalls can include staff, volunteers and security.
  8. Sanitizing stations must be available at the entrance of any indoor setting and on tables and bar counters.
  9. Lines for food, drinks and bathrooms must be marked to ensure 6 feet a distance between each person waiting in line.
  10. Staff should complete the online Infection Prevention Control training available at:
  11. Food and beverage vendors must comply with Environmental Health licensing and food hygiene regulations and requirements.
  12. Employees must be screened for signs/symptoms of COVID-19 at the start of their shift. Sick employees must be directed to stay home or immediately go home if they feel or appear sick.
  13. Adhere to cleaning and disinfecting Public Health guidelines at:
  14. WeHealth is strongly encouraged as it will help contain an outbreak in case of a positive case at any event whether above or below the permitted number.
  15. A copy of this “Letter of no objection” for the Large Group gathering and the conditions must be posted at the entrance and clearly visible and kept on file to be made available upon request

The Ministry of Youth, Culture and Sport reserves the right to withdraw the permission to have a large gathering above the permitted number assembled at the event without notice or cost to the Bermuda Government subject to the status of COVID-19 in the local community.

The Bermuda Police Service and Officials from the Ministries of National Security, Health and Youth, Culture and Sport have right to attend and observe compliance of the conditions as prescribed above.

Dr. The Honourable Ernest G. Peets, JP

Minister of Youth, Culture and Sport

9 August 2021