Abandoned & Derelict Vessels Notice

Notice type
Government Notice
Public Notification
Notice ID
Public Authorities / Department
Environment and Natural Resources
Publication date

Marine & Ports Authority (Dumping) Regulations 1967

TAKE NOTICE THAT pursuant to the Marine & Ports Authority (Dumping) Regulations 1967 (“the Regulations”), the Minister of Transport may direct the disposal of any vessel which has been abandoned and is likely to become unsightly or prejudicial to the free navigation of the territorial waters of Bermuda. In doing so, the Minister may direct that the person responsible for the abandonment of the vessel be liable for the costs associated with the disposal of the vessel.

The accompanying details of twenty nine (29) ‘unknown’ abandoned vessels located in Ely’s Harbour, near Woody’s, Mill’s Creek, near Fairylands Creek, Riddell’s Bay, Lagoon Park, Spanish Point, Mullet Bay, Great Bay areas are considered by the above to be subject to disposal.

Government is using any visible vessel registration details to help identify the owners but, for many, it cannot find any characteristic names or boat registration details on many of these abandoned and derelict boats. However, if you are the owner of any of one of these boats you have 30 days from the date of this Notice to take the appropriate action to remove your vessel from its current location and relocate it to a site which does not contravene the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act 2002, the Marine Board Act 1962, the Regulations or any other law of Bermuda.

Should you wish to identify to Government whether any of these vessels belong to you then you can voluntarily agree to allow the Ministry to dispose of it at no cost to you by completing a consent form and returning it to the Department of Marine & Ports Services or by visiting the Department of Environment and Natural Resources’ Headquarters in the Botanical Gardens or the Department of Marine and Ports Services. 

For more information, please call 239 2356. However, if you do not respond to this Notice within the specified period, your vessel may be disposed of and if the vessel identity is subsequently determined upon recovery then the costs incurred as a result of said disposal may be payable by you.

Note that this is part of a joint Government – KBB initiative to start to address abandoned & derelict vessels around Bermuda.

For all abandoned or derelict boats where the owner is known, Government will be contacting those boat owners in due course, prior to their removal.