Get a Periodic Work Permit

A Periodic Work Permit is used by employers seeking to hire non-resident individuals who will make multiple visits to Bermuda over a period of time, staying no greater than 30 days for each visit.

There are various types of work permits depending on the type of work and the length of time the person will be working in Bermuda.


  • Advertising for a Periodic Work Permit is not required;
  • Periodic Work Permits may be granted for periods of one, two, three, four or five years;
  • After arrival, if the holder of a Periodic Work Permit requires a stay longer than 30 days, the employer can apply for an extension of up to a further 30 days;
  • The Periodic Work Permit holder shall not be in Bermuda for more than a total of 180 days per calendar year.


Employers may apply for a Periodic Work Permit for individuals who work for an overseas office of their company or for an individual who is a service provider contracted to work for the Bermuda company including a travelling salesperson (see the

). Other applications outside these categories will be considered on a case by case basis by the Minister.

Alternatively, in cases where a service provider is under contract to provide service to a Bermuda company (e.g. maintenance agreements, equipment warranties, training contracts) and the business visitor may not always be the same person, the employer may request that the Periodic Work Permit be issued in the name of the foreign company providing the service rather than an individual. Only one representative of the foreign company may land per Periodic Work Permit.


One-year standard work permit


Two-year standard work permit


Three-year standard work permit


Four-year standard work permit     


Five-year standard work permit


How to apply

Employers must complete the Periodic Work Permit Application Form (PDF).