Change of Use Notice For a Portion of Southlands Park

Seeking the following

 A change of use of park land to accommodate an event lawn for the Bermudiana Beach Resort.
The proposed event space is approximately 10,750 square feet and would be installed with an 8’ high perimeter chain link fence.  This fence is to support the growth of a perimeter hedge and for site security.  It is proposed to be removed once the hedge is well established.
The event lawn seeks to remove all invasive plant material from the centre of the woodland reserve and replant native and endemic foliage on its’ boundary.  Any boundary native and endemic plants will be left in place.  Those that are removed from the interior will be transplanted if possible, or new plantings will be established within the perimeter boundary.
Department of Parks Announces Public Consultation for New Event Lawn at Southlands Park
Feedback from the public as required under Section 4 of the National Parks Act 1986.
 Please Contact:
 Re: Consultation Southlands Park Event Lawn
 Department of Parks
 43 Church Street, Ground Floor of the Global House Building
 Hamilton, HM 12
 Tel: 236-5902