WER Joell Tennis Stadium Temporarily Closed For Upgrades

tennis stadium

The Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and Sport announces the temporary closure of the WER Joell Tennis Stadium, effective January 23, 2024, for a period of two weeks. The closure is essential to facilitate the much-anticipated resurfacing of the hard courts, a key component of the ongoing upgrade and maintenance plan for the facility.

The maintenance project, scheduled to be carried out by Fast Services, aims to enhance the overall quality of the WER Joell Tennis Stadium. The resurfacing of Tennis Courts 1-3 and the 'practice wall area' will replace the current Plexi pave surface, which has exceeded its life span. This initiative is part of a broader plan to improve safety and elevate the overall experience for WER Joell patrons.

Simultaneously, a lighting project has been initiated at the stadium to boost visibility and facilitate night-time play. Additional lights will be installed on Tennis Courts 1-3, increasing visibility, while new lights on Courts 4 and 5 will allow both tennis and pickleball to be played in the evening—transforming these previously daylight-dependent courts into versatile night-time venues.

Further, lights will be added to the 'practice wall area,' and the space will be repurposed into four new pickleball courts. This transformation is aimed at converting a low-usage area into a high-usage zone, catering to the growing popularity of pickleball among the community.

Upon completion of all upgrades, WER Joell Tennis Stadium will boast a total of 8 pickleball courts and 7 tennis courts, including 4 hard courts and 3 clay courts. 

Senator The Hon. Owen K. Darrell, JP, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, expressed, "The Ministry is committed to these enhancements as part of its ongoing efforts to maintain and improve the WER Joell Tennis Stadium for the benefit of the community. The temporary closure is anticipated to last until the week of February 5th, with the reopening subject to weather conditions." 

"We appreciate the understanding and cooperation of the community during this temporary closure as we work towards creating a safer, more enjoyable, and inclusive environment to support all WER Joell patrons and enhance sport in Bermuda."