Third Annual Cultural Conference to host Creatives

Tomorrow (May 11), the Department of Culture will host its 3rd Annual Cultural Stakeholder Conference, which will bring together key members of the island’s creative community.

The Minister of Youth, Culture and Sport, Sen. Owen K. Darrell, JP,  will open the event, which takes place at the Spinning Wheel Entertainment Complex from 6.00 pm. – 9.00 pm.

Tomorrow’s event is free and open to the public.

This year’s conference will include panel discussions, a networking forum and end with a Heritage Month kick-off entertainment event. The social event featuring King Jyrus Sound, takes place from 9.00 pm - midnight.

The Cultural Conference panel discussions will cover a number of topics including: 

  • Art, Artifice, and Artificial Intelligence: on AI in the Creative Industries.
  • The Medium is the Message: The Difference between Art & Content.
  • Hail to Bermuda: On Bermudian Identity & Representation; and
  • Updates on the National Cultural Heritage Policy.

There will also be live entertainment by local artists.