Large Group / Sports Advisory

The Minister of Youth, Culture and Sport, Dr. the Hon. Ernest Peets, advised today that Large Group Exemptions will continue to require the use of SafeKey at indoor and outdoor events.

Flexibility will be permitted for specific populations engaged in an antigen testing regime. 

However, in general spectators and guests will continue to require SafeKey at all large gatherings.

The Ministry stressed that Sport Large Group Exemptions will continue with the antigen testing regime for the sports group as detailed in the Return to Sport Guidance.

The Ministry also noted that it is aware of false information circulating regarding the sports guidelines. 

The Ministry reminded that only official information from the Government/Ministry should be followed. The sports guidance can be found at:

Further, the Ministry advised that it has received reports that the collection of contact tracing details and the mask-wearing requirements have not been consistently enforced at some large gatherings. In that regard, the public is reminded that contact tracing and masks continue to be a requirement for large events.

The public can find the correct information regarding public health guidelines for large groups by visiting These policies are under constant review and the public will be advised when changes occur.

Lastly, each of us has a role to play in stopping the spread of the coronavirus. Please continue to follow the health guidelines – this includes wearing a mask, hand sanitizing and maintaining the appropriate physical distancing; and if you haven’t done so already, speak to your doctor regarding the COVID-19 Vaccine.