Notice ID Title Public Authorities / Department Notice type Publication date
GN0648/2022 Acting Appointment: TAX COMMISSIONER, OFFICE OF THE TAX COMMISSIONER Cabinet Headquarters Government Notice, Acting Appointments
GN0647/2022 ADVANCED POLL FOR INCAPACITATED ELECTORS Parliamentary Registry Office Government Notice, Elections
GN0646/2022 ADVANCED POLLS ABSENT VOTERS Parliamentary Registry Office Government Notice, Elections
GN0645/2022 MAGISTRATE & CORONER The Judiciary Government Notice, Acting Appointments
GN0643/2022 Bermudian Status - Section 19 Immigration Government Notice, Bermudian Status - Section 19
GN0642/2022 ASSISTANT JUSTICE The Judiciary Government Notice, Acting Appointments
GN0641/2022 Acting Appointment: PARLIAMENTARY REGISTRAR, PARLIAMENTARY REGISTRY Cabinet Headquarters Government Notice, Acting Appointments
GN0640/2022 COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION Department of Education Government Notice, Acting Appointments
GN0639/2022 Acting Appointment: DIRECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF MARINE AND PORTS SERVICES Cabinet Headquarters Government Notice, Acting Appointments
GN0638/2022 Acting Appointment: CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER, MINISTRY OF HEALTH Cabinet Headquarters Government Notice, Acting Appointments