List of Proposed Planning Applications Advertised on December 15, 2023

Notice type
Government Notice
Notification of Planning Applications Registered
Notice ID
Public Authorities / Department
Publication date

            The applications shown below are available for review on the Department of Planning's Customer Self Service 

            Portal (, or between the hours of 8:45 am and 

            4:30 pm week days at the Department of Planning, 5th Floor, Dame Lois Browne Evans Building, 58 Court Street, 

            Hamilton HM 12. 


            Any person wishing to object must do so within 14 days of the date advertised.


            For further information on the objection procedure see the Development and Planning (Applications Procedure) 

            Rules 1997 and the Objections Guidance Note found on the Department website ( 





            Steven Conway

            35 Malabar Road 

            Sandys MA01

            Proposed Roof Mounted Solar Array ‑ 296 x 400 Watts panels‑ Total Capacity 107600 kWh, Water 

            Tank Extension and New Access Chamber, Oil Separator Chambers, Bund Wall for Fuel Tank Slab.

            (Final Approval)





            Denika Hollis

            22 Coral Acres Drive 

            Southampton SB04

            Proposed Additions to Existing Unit under Existing Pool Deck, New Exterior Steps, Rebuilding of 

            Existing Retaining Wall with 3 ft. High Guardrail on Top (Max Height 11 ft.) New 12 in. Deep 

            Beach for Existing Pool, New Gas Storage, New 8 ft. High Moongate, Replacement of Existing 

            Porch/Balcony Concrete Balustrades with New 36in. High Railing, Replacing Of All Windows And 

            Doors, Interior Remodeling, Rebuilding of Existing Pergola, New Gas Fire Pits, New Flat Roof over 

            Existing Master Bathroom. New Concrete Pavers, Converting Existing Smooth Buttery Roof to 

            Stepped Profile Roof.

            (Final Approval)



            Jeremy & Michelle Preece Cox

            3 Monkey Hole Lane 

            Southampton SB02

            Proposed Pergola to Support Existing Plants, Extend Height of Existing BDA Stone Wall Next to 

            Proposed Pergola 11 Ft. Max Height, Increase Height of Pillar and Gates to Existing Driveway to 

            8ft with New Pedestrian Entrances to the Site.

            (Final Approval)





            Dalton Burgess

            44 St. Mary's Road 

            Warwick WK06

            Proposed Upper Level Classroom Addition, Upper Level Balcony and Covered Porch, Access 

            Steps, 6 ft. Max Height Retaining Wall, Septic Tank And Soakaway Pits.

            (Final Approval)





            David Skinner

            12 Paget Close 

            Paget PG05

            Proposed Roof Mounted Solar PV system ‑ 216sqft 11x370W modules System Capacity: 4.07kW

            (Final Approval)






            Erica Rance

            4 North Shore Road 

            Pembroke HM03

            Proposed Renovation of Existing Single Family Dwelling to Add 2 Apartments by Internal 

            Conversion. (3 Units Total)

            (Final Approval)



            Ken Dallas

            8 High Point Road 

            Pembroke HM01

            Proposed Roof Mounted Solar PV system ‑ 428sqft 21x428W modules System Capacity: 9.03kW 

            on Garage

            (Final Approval)



            Antonio Mapp

            29 The Glebe Road 

            Pembroke HM14

            Demolition of the Existing Structure, Proposed 2‑Storey Duplex with Lower and Upper 2‑Bedroom 

            Dwelling Units, New Covered Porch/Balcony, and Exterior Steps, New Driveway/Parking, 4 ft. 

            High Max Retaining Wall, 4ft High Max Rockcut, New Vegetation.

            (Final Approval)





            Mackih McGowan

            4 Ramgoat Hill 

            Smiths HS02

            Proposed 2 Bedroom Unit (3 Units Total) Driveway and Parking, New Boundary Wall (4 ft. Max 

            Height), Exterior Steps, and Rock Cut (9 ft. Max Height), and Remove Existing Patio.

            (Final Approval)


            St. George



            Stanley Harris

            3 Dolly's Bay Road 

            St. George’s DD01

            Proposed New Two Bedroom Dwelling Unit with Attached Garage, New Driveway & Retaining Wall 

            and/or Rock Cuts (Max. 4'‑6" high).

            (Final Approval)



            Eleanor Dolding

            4 Lang Lane 

            St. George's DD01

            Proposed New Detached House with Two New Dwelling Units (4 Units Total) with Garage, 

            Driveway and 4 ft. High Boundary Wall, Stepped Rock Cuts 8 ft. Max Height, 10 ft. High Retaining 

            Wall, 9 ft. High Lower Wall to Create Stair Access to Lower Unit, Roof Mounted Solar PV system 

            ‑ 832.86sq Ft, 42x350W Modules System Capacity: 15kW

            (Final Approval)