List of Proposed Planning Applications Advertised on October 12, 2020

Notice type
Government Notice
Notification of Planning Applications Registered
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Publication date




                                                                     GOVERNMENT OF BERMUDA


                                                                           Department of Planning

                                           Dame Lois Browne‑Evans Building, 58 Court Street, Hamilton HM 12, Bermuda

                                                                  Phone: (441) 295‑5151 Fax: (441) 295‑4100





            Applications Advertised on October 12, 2020. This list was printed on October 12, 2020.


            Objections to applications must be received within 14 days of the date advertised (October 26, 2020)



                                                            Summary of Application Details



            The applications shown below are available for review on the EnerGov Customer Self Service Portal

            (, or during normal working hours at the

            Department of Planning, 5th Floor, Dame Lois Browne Evans Building, 58 Court Street, Hamilton HM 12.


            Letters of objection should state any interest which the objector(s) may have in property nearby, supply an address

            at which notice may be served on the objector(s), and provide a concise statement of the grounds of the objection.


            For further information on the objection procedure see the Development and Planning (Applications Procedure)

            Rules 1997.


            Application                                                                                                                               Application #





            Clarien Bank & Ismay Saltus                                                                                                        SUB‑0026‑20

            16 Bulkhead Drive 

            Warwick BM WK07

            Proposed Boundary Adjustment between 16 and 18 Bulkhead Drive.

            (Final Approval)


            Marilyn Simmons                                                                                                                      PLAN‑0426‑20

            14 Ocean Sands Drive 

            Warwick BM WK02

            Proposed Increase from 1 Dwelling Unit to 2 Dwelling Units via Internal Conversion.

            (Final Approval)


            Kevin Dacosta                                                                                                                          PLAN‑0427‑20

            15 Ocean Sands Road 

            Warwick BM WK02

            Proposed South‑Western Boundary Wall Height Increased to 8 ft. and 2 ft. High Planter Wall.

            (Final Approval)


            State House Trust Company Limited ATF Soaring Trust                                                               PLAN‑0416‑20

            75 Middle Road 

            Warwick BM WK06

            Proposed Generator on Concrete Pad and 500 Gal Site Filled LPG Tank.

            (Final Approval)




            Kali Williams                                                                                                                             PLAN‑0401‑20

            15 Mill Shares Road 

            Pembroke BM HM05

            Proposed Swimming Pool, Roof over Existing Balcony and New Gable Canopy to Entrance

            Replacing Existing Lean To Roof.

            (Final Approval)


            Vincent Trott                                                                                                                             PLAN‑0382‑20

            1 Braithwaite Lane 

            Pembroke BM HM07

            Proposed (2) New One Bedroom Units with Storage Below, New Parking with Cesspit Below, 4

            ft. Max High Retaining Wall, New Trash and Pump Room Structure and Proposed Pit.

            (Final Approval)


            City of Hamilton


            Marico Thomas                                                                                                                         PLAN‑0423‑20

            10 Angle Street 

            City of Hamilton BM HM10

            Proposed Additions and Internal Renovation to Existing Restaurant including New Dry Storage

            Container, Customer Bathroom, Lower Entrance and Soakaway Pits and New Canopy Roof.

            (Final Approval)




            Rance's Boat Yard                                                                                                                    PLAN‑0417‑20

            46 Crow Lane 

            Devonshire BM HM19

            Proposed Removal of Obsolete Boat‑Hauling Metal Rail Tracks and Infilling of Gap in Existing

            Dock with Concrete to Provide Level Area for Boat Standing, 6 ft. High Green Plastic Coated

            Chain‑link Security Fence on Crow Lane Boundary and 4 ft. High Green Plastic Coated

            Chain‑link Safety Fence at Head of Boat Slip.

            (Final Approval)




            Bermuda Digital Communications                                                                                              PLAN‑0418‑20

            South ‑ West of 64 Town Hill, Smith's

            Proposed Cellular Tower Replacement and New Concrete Pad.

            (Final Approval)