The applications shown below are available for review on the Department of Planning's Customer Self Service
Portal (, or between the hours of 8:45 am and
4:30 pm week days at the Department of Planning, 5th Floor, Dame Lois Browne Evans Building, 58 Court Street,
Hamilton HM 12.
Any person wishing to object must do so within 14 days of the date advertised.
For further information on the objection procedure see the Development and Planning (Applications Procedure)
Rules 1997 and the Objections Guidance Note found on the Department website (
Ianthia Simmons‑Wade
225 Middle Road
Southampton SN04
Proposed Floating Dock. (Listed Building)
(In‑Principle Approval)
Premier Contractors Supplies Ltd.
58 Middle Road
Warwick WK03
Proposed Change of Use via Internal Alterations to create a Building Supplies Store, New Ramp,
Access and Parking, New Concrete Pad for Two 20 ft. Storage Containers and New 8 ft. Max
Height Green Chain Link Fencing (Removal of Trees at Entrance).
(Final Approval)
Collin Dill
6 Manderley Mews
Warwick WK04
Proposed Roof Mounted Solar PV System: 14 Panels, Total sq. ft. 278.6, Total System Capacity
5.67 kW, Total Annual Output 8,222 kWh.
(Final Approval)
Fabio Divuolo
#12A Southcote Road
Paget PG04
Proposed Guest House with Garage, Pool Equipment Room, and Alteration to Existing House
(Final Approval)
Thanya Knights
22 St. John's Road
Pembroke HM02
Proposed Upper level Addition, New Covered Entrance, New Storage and Planter.
(Final Approval)
Philip Mace
4 Peters Road
Hamilton BM CR01
Proposed New 128 sq. ft. Wooden Dock and Access Path.
(Final Approval)
St. George
Department of Parks
3 Cahow Way
St. George's DD03
Proposed Rehabilitation of the Existing Public Boat Ramp "Stonecrusher" At Kindley Field Park.
(Final Approval)
Town of St. George
Veronica Gordon (Daley)
1 Neas Alley
Town of St. George GE05
Proposed New Pool, Convert Existing Shed to Pump Room, Pool Deck ‑ Wooden and Concrete,
Planters (2 Ft. Max Height), New Planting, New Pavers, New Parking and Internal Conversion To
Create Spa. (Listed Building)
(Final Approval)
Beach Boys Ltd.
1 Coot Pond Road
Town of St. George GE03
Proposed Relocation of Accessible Ramp, New Accessible Shower, Enclose 275 sq. ft. at
Existing Deck, Interior Renovations, and Replace Existing Flat Roof with New Extended Roof over
New Viewing Deck.
(Final Approval)