List of Proposed Planning Applications Advertised June 30, 2021

Notice type
Government Notice
Notification of Planning Applications Registered
Notice ID
Public Authorities / Department
Publication date




                                                                     GOVERNMENT OF BERMUDA


                                                                           Department of Planning

                                           Dame Lois Browne‑Evans Building, 58 Court Street, Hamilton HM 12, Bermuda

                                                                  Phone: (441) 295‑5151 Fax: (441) 295‑4100





            Applications registered on June 30, 2021.           This list was printed on June 30, 2021.


            Objections to applications must be received within 14 days of the date advertised (July 14, 2021)



                                                            Summary of Application Details



            The applications shown below are available for review on the EnerGov Customer Self Service Portal

            (, or during normal working hours at the

            Department of Planning, 5th Floor, Dame Lois Browne Evans Building, 58 Court Street, Hamilton HM 12.


            Letters of objection should state any interest which the objector(s) may have in property nearby, supply an address

            at which notice may be served on the objector(s), and provide a concise statement of the grounds of the objection.


            For further information on the objection procedure see the Development and Planning (Applications Procedure)

            Rules 1997.


            Application                                                                                                                               Application #





            Tammy Zuill                                                                                                                                      P0320‑21

            3 Wingood Way 

            Sandys, MA06

            Proposed Roof Mounted Solar PV System 31 Panels x 400 Watt 19.02 Sq. ft. each Panel

            Total Capacity ‑ 12.4 kWh (589.62 Sq. ft.) with 2 Additional BELCO Meters (Listed Building)

            (Final Approval)




            Keita Swan                                                                                                                                       P0242‑21

            2 Monkey Hole Lane 

            Southampton, SB02

            Proposed Additions and Alterations Including Interior Renovations, Exterior Stairs, Car Port

            with Patio and Planter

                        (Final Approval)




            Brent & Robin Williams                                                                                                                     P0275‑21

            32 Point Finger Road 

            Paget, DV04

            Proposed Alterations and Second Storey Addition to Existing Building to Add a Staff Room and

            Bath. Level Lawn at the Rear and Erect a Stepped Retaining Wall (10 ft. Max Height) with Planter

            (Final Approval)


            Robin Masters                                                                                                                                  P0296‑21

            26 Berry Hill Road 

            Paget, DV04

            Addition and Renovation to Existing Dwelling Including New Swimming Pool, New Cesspit And

            Refinished Driveway Surface.

            (Final Approval)


            Coral Beach & Tennis Club                                                                                                                P0300‑21

            34 South Road 

            Paget, PG04

            Proposed Additions & Alterations to Existing 2 Storey Guest Cottage, Reinstate Fireplace,

            Rockcut Overall 16'0 Max Height

            (Final Approval)




            Kenny Dallas                                                                                                                                    P0268‑21

            8 High Point Road 

            Pembroke, HM01

            New Detached Apartment and Carport, Extension to Existing Kitchen and New Covered Porch

            (Main House) and New Boundary Wall (6 ft. Max Height)

            (Final Approval)




            Sean & Melissa Moore                                                                                                                      P0281‑21

            38 Middle Road 

            Devonshire, DV03

            Proposed Alterations and Additions to Existing House; Relocation of Kitchen, New Sauna,

            Removal of Second Stairs, New Powder Room, Gas Fireplace, and Addition on New Laundry

            Room. New Ensuite and Walk‑in Closet. Replacement of All Windows and Doors. New Exterior

            Steps and Basement Under Rebuilt Terrace. New Landscaping, 4 ft. Pool Gate, 12 ft. Gate

            with 6 ft. High Double Wooden Leaves (Listed Building)

            (Final Approval)


            Town of St. George


            David Fox                                                                                                                                        P0304‑21

            24 York Street 

            Town of St. George GE05

            Installation of a New 30kW Stand‑by Generator in Sound Attenuated Enclosure (Listed Building)

            (Final Approval)