Section 8(1)
In accordance with Section 8(1) of the Parliamentary Election Act 1978, the annual Parliamentary Register has been published effective 16th June 2020. It is available for inspection at all post offices, police stations, at the Hamilton Library and at the office of the Parliamentary Registrar, Craig Appin House 3rd floor, #8 Wesley Street, Hamilton.
Please examine the register carefully for the following reasons:-
1. If your name was on the 2019 Parliamentary Register and you are living at the same address, then under the provisions of the Parliamentary Election Amendment Act, 1999 that introduced continuous registration, your name should be listed in the register at the same address and in the same constituency.
2. If your name is listed in the Parliamentary Register at a former address or under a former name, you must inform the Parliamentary Registrar at once by completing a Form 2 (blue) and deliver it to him or send it to him in one of the self-addressed envelopes.
3. If your name was on the 2019 Parliamentary Register and you registered a change of name or address with the Parliamentary Registrar during the period 1st June, 2019 through to 31st May, 2020, your name should now appear in the Parliamentary Register under your new name or at your new address.
4. If your name was not on the 2019 Parliamentary Register and you registered during the period 1st June, 2019 through to 31st May, 2020, your name should now appear in the constituency in which you live.
5. If you object to the entry of the name and/or address of any person in the Parliamentary Register, you may inform the Parliamentary Registrar of your objection, but no later than 15th July, 2020. The grounds for such objection must be in writing and accompanied by a deposit of five dollars ($5). If the grounds for objection are established, the Registrar will refund the five dollars to you, but if the grounds are not established, he will pay the sum to the person affected by the objection (Section 17).
6. If your name has been irregularly omitted from the register or the particulars relating to your name in the register are incomplete or inaccurate or both, you may give to the Registrar notice in the prescribed form of the change of particulars and the Registrar shall alter the parliamentary register accordingly (section 10A).
Any name listed in this register opposite a blank address field (no address) indicates that the address for that person-
(a) has not yet been added to the Government Land Valuation system; or
(b) is a person of no fixed address; or
(c) resides on a houseboat or other premises without a land valuation assessment number; or
(d) is unknown, cannot be verified or there are other anomalies with the address.
Where a person's name is listed without a corresponding address that person MUST contact the Parliamentary Registrar's Office immediately to update his or her particulars in accordance with section 10A of the Parliamentary Election Act 1978 or be subject to the removal of his or her name from the Register.
You are reminded that if you are eligible to register but your name is not on the Parliamentary Register, you may register at any time during the year. You will not have to register again. Your name will be in the next publication of the register.
The next publication of the Parliamentary Register will be on 15th June, 2021 or at an earlier date if an election or referendum is called before then.
16 June 2020 Parliamentary Registrar