Section 26A (1) (b)
Notice is given that, in accordance with section 26A (1) (b) of the Parliamentary Election Act 1978, as modified by the Municipalities (Election) Order 2015, copies of the Business Ratepayers’ Register and the Municipal Residents’ Register for the municipalities of Hamilton and St. George’s are available for inspection at City Hall Hamilton, Town Hall St. George’s and at the Hamilton Post Office, St. George’s Post Office and the Parliamentary Registrar’s Office on the 3rd floor of Craig Appin House, Hamilton.
Objections to the registration of any person whose name is entered on the Business Ratepayers’ register or the Municipal Residents’ register for either the Corporation of Hamilton or St. George’s must be delivered to the Parliamentary Registrar not later than seven days after the publication of this notice. The grounds for such objections must be in writing and accompanied by a deposit of five dollars ($5).
Objections by any person that his name has been irregularly omitted from either such register or that particulars relating to his name are incomplete or inaccurate must be delivered to the Parliamentary Registrar not later than seven days after the publication of this notice. The grounds for such objections must be in writing and accompanied by a deposit of five dollars ($5).
Dated 8 April 2019
Parliamentary Registrar