List of Planning Applications registered between March 29,2019 and April 4,2019

Notice type
Government Notice
Notification of Planning Applications Registered
Notice ID
Public Authorities / Department
Publication date


This list was printed on 4/4/2019

Applications registered between 3/29/2019 and 4/4/2019.

Advertised on 4/5/2019.

Objections to applications must be received within 14 days of the date advertised (April 19, 2019).

Summary of Application Details

The applications shown below are available for review during normal working hours at the Department of Planning, 5th Floor, Dame Lois Browne Evans Building, 58 Court Street, Hamilton HM 12.


Any person wishing to object must do so within 14 days of the date of this publication (4/5/2019).


Letters of objection should state any interest which the objector(s) may have in property nearby, supply an address at which notice may be served on the objector(s), and provide a concise statement of the grounds of the objection.


For further information on the objection procedure see the Development and Planning (Applications Procedure) Rules 1997.


Application #



West end Properties Ltd.

183 Middle Road, Southampton

Proposed Commercial Floating Dock.


City of Hamilton


Blackhawk Consulting

5 Reid Street, City of Hamilton

Proposed Accessory Social Use (Walk-in Health Clinic) to Primary Retail Use.




Macadamia Trust

25 Parsons Lane, Devonshire

Request for Extension of Time - Approval Granted for Proposed 40ft Hydroponic Container (previously approved P0064/16).




The Adolphus Trust

75 North Shore Road, Hamilton

Proposed Subdivision to Create 7 Additional Lots (10 Lots total). New Private Estate Road from Old Road to Serve Lots#1-8, New Private Estate Road from North Shore Road to Serve Lot # 9 and 10.

(Final Plan)


Application #




Machado, Frank

7 Ord Road, Paget

Proposed New Dwelling Unit via Internal Conversion (3 Units Total), New Bathroom, Closet, Storage Room, Pool Bathroom and Cesspit.



Brincadeira Trust

5 Mission Heights, Paget

Proposed Agricultural Storage Shed with Tank Below.



Owen, Andrew

2 Barnes Valley, Paget

Proposal to revise existing Pool Stairs. New Wooden Deck, Pergola, Outdoor BBQ Area and Planter. New Privacy Fence 4ft Max height. Proposed Rock Cut and Guard Wall 4 ft. Max height. Location of Existing Retaining Wall to be shifted.




Charles, Mr. /Mrs.  Michael

2 Hillsdale Avenue, Pembroke

Proposed Porch, Kitchen, Laundry, Pump Room and Bay Window Additions, Relocation of Cesspit and Rebuilding of Existing Wall.



Pacheco, Antonio

1 Tatems Hill, Pembroke

Proposal to excavate our Basement to form Storage Rooms, Form New Stairway. Form New Powder Room on Lower Floor.




Spriggs, Monica

Lot 1 Benny's Bay Road (Opposite 18 Benny's Bay Road), Sandys

Proposed 3 Bedroom Cottage with Studio Apartment (2 Dwelling Units total). Proposed Garage, Covered Porch and Entrance. New Pool, Pool Pump, BBQ area and Steps. Proposed Planters, 3ft Max High rock cut and Wall with New Driveway.




Sardis Development Ltd.

116 South Road, Smiths

Proposed New Plant Nursery to Include 2 Shipping Containers, Central Covered Area, Rebuilding Slat House and New Covered Porch to Extend Utility Building. New Poly Tunnel Structure for Plants and Masonry Storage Bins with Adjacent area for 3 Dumpsters. New above Grade Water Storage Tanks and Renovations to Existing Structure to create Bathroom. New Access Road Created with Drivable Grass (from existing access to south road).



Amaro, Jorge & Linda

59 South Road, Smiths

Proposed New 2 Storey 3 Bedroom Cottage with Covered Porch, 3 ft. Max High Guardrails and 4 ft. Max High Rock Cuts.


Application #




King, Robert & Miriam, Maranzana, Sandra Parker

57 Harrington Sound Road, Smiths

Proposed Boundary Adjustment Between 57 and 59 Harrington Sound Road.

(Final Plan)



Geronimo Trust

Lot 3 Tribe Road No. 5,

North of 1 Tribe Road No. 5, Southampton

Proposed New 2 Storey 3 Bedroom House with Covered Porch and Covered Entrance, New Chainlink Fence and Guardrail (36 in. Max Height), New Rock Cuts (9 ft. Max Height) and New Driveway.



Geronimo Trust

Lot 4 Tribe Road No. 5,

North of 1 Tribe Road No. 5, Southampton

Proposed New 2 Storey 3 Bedroom House, Driveway and Pergola.



Bradshaw, Kumi

18 Pompano Close, Southampton

Proposed 20ft Storage Container to be erected alongside Previously Approved Greenhouse (P0268/17) with 4 Additional Water Containers (250gallon each).
