List of Proposed Planning Applications Registered between 2/8/2019 and 2/14/2019

Notice type
Government Notice
Notification of application for development plan
Notice ID
Public Authorities / Department
Publication date


This list was printed on 2/14/2019

Applications registered between 2/8/2019 and 2/14/2019.

Advertised on 2/15/2019.

Objections to applications must be received within 14 days of the date advertised (March 1, 2019).

Summary of Application Details

The applications shown below are available for review during normal working hours at the Department of Planning, 5th Floor, Dame Lois Browne Evans Building, 58 Court Street, Hamilton HM 12.


Any person wishing to object must do so within 14 days of the date of this publication (2/15/2019).


Letters of objection should state any interest which the objector(s) may have in property nearby, supply an address at which notice may be served on the objector(s), and provide a concise statement of the grounds of the objection.


For further information on the objection procedure see the Development and Planning (Applications Procedure) Rules 1997.


Application #




Peckett, Dr. William

28 Point Finger Road, Paget

Proposed Roof Mounted Solar PV System (16 Panels, 312 sq. ft. Total, 5.60kw System Capacity)




Frederick, Tahinde

4 Ferrars Lane, Pembroke

Proposed Kitchen, Bedroom Extension and Porch



Whitecross Development Ltd

11 Cavendish Road, Pembroke

9 Cavendish Road, Pembroke

Proposed Demolition of Existing 3 Dwelling Units, Construct 9 New Dwelling Units,  3 ft. High Boundary Wall, Widen Existing Driveway, Proposed Rock Cuts (10 ft. Max Height), Build 20 ft. High Dry Stack Rubble Wall.



Clarien Trust Ltd

2 Mill Creek Lane, Pembroke

Proposed New Mezzanine Floor, Partial Change of Use from Warehouse to Retail, New Exterior Stairs.



Wilder Investments Ltd.

10 Cavendish Road, Pembroke

Proposed Partial Change of Use from Commercial to Residential for 1 New Dwelling Unit on the Third Floor (4 Units Total).



Application #



Kelly, Mr. /Mrs.  Tracey

14 Langton Hill, Pembroke

Proposed New Dwelling Unit via Internal Conversion (4 Units Total).



Couper, M.

26 Point Shares Road, Pembroke

Proposed Boundary Adjustments between Lot A and Lot B #26 Point Shares Road. Creation of a Right of Way for Lot A over Lot B for Vehicle Access and a Right of Way for Lot B over Lot A for Access over Dock.

(Final Plan)



Sinky Bay Ltd.

6 Sonesta Drive, Southampton

Proposed Food Truck with 6 ft. High Fence Enclosure at Cross Bay.


St. George's


Tucker's Point Club

Lot 5, South Road (Adjacent to #15 South Road), St. George's

Proposal to Adjust Approved Subdivision Boundary for Lot 5, South Road to Remove Belco Vault Located on South West Perimeter of the Site.

(Final Plan)


Tucker's Point Club

Lot 9, Tucker's Point Golf Course, St. George's

Proposed Removal of Site 2C (Lot 9) from the Approved Subdivision S0023/18, Paynter's Hill (Old Marriott Tennis Court Site). Reincorporation of Site into Rosewood Tucker's Point Golf Limited Landholding and Removal of this Lot from the Tucker's Point Resort Residential Development (Hamilton and St. Georges Parishes) Special Development Order 2011.

(Final Plan)

Town of St. George


Stephen, Mr. Turner

8 Suffering Lane, Town of St. George

Retroactive Application for New Dwelling Unit via Internal Conversion (3 Units Total).




Pimental, Frank and Janet

8 Fairway Drive, Warwick

Proposed New Gate, Wall (8 ft. max high) and Driveway Paving.
