The applications shown below are available for review on the Department of Planning's Customer Self Service
Portal (, or between the hours of 8:45 am and
4:30 pm weekdays at the Department of Planning, 5th Floor, Dame Lois Browne Evans Building, 58 Court Street,
Hamilton HM 12.
Any person wishing to object must do so within 14 days of the date advertised.
For further information on the objection procedure see the Development and Planning (Applications Procedure)
Rules 1997 and the Objections Guidance Note found on the Department website (
Angela Barry
2 Laurel Lane
Paget DV04
Proposed Internal Conversion to Create New Studio Apartment (2 Units Total), Widening of
Existing Driveway with 4 Ft High Retaining wall with 3 Ft Railing on Top.
(Final Approval)
Ginnie and/or Kent Stewart
9 Fairyland Lane
Pembroke HM05
Proposed Additional Bedroom and Bathroom to Existing Cottage with Covered Porch, Grading of
Property and Pump/Storage Room Under the New Bedroom.
(Final Approval)
Ian Pilgrim
21 North Shore Road
Devonshire DV05
(Listed Building)
Renovations To Existing Grade 3 Listed Cottage to Include Removal of Existing Covered Porches and
Install New Covered Porch to North and New Entrance with Bedroom atop To South. Replace
Damaged Existing Two Storey Hip Roof. New 3 Ft High Privacy Screen atop Existing Roadside Wall and
Block Up Existing Pedestrian Access. New 4 Ft High Roadside Wall and Reconfiguration of Existing Access
From Parking Area to Cottage. (Listed Building)
(Final Approval)