List of Proposed Planning Applications Advertised on February 14, 2024

Notice type
Government Notice
Notification of Planning Applications Registered
Notice ID
Public Authorities / Department
Publication date

            The applications shown below are available for review on the Department of Planning's Customer Self Service 

            Portal (, or between the hours of 8:45 am and 

            4:30 pm week days at the Department of Planning, 5th Floor, Dame Lois Browne Evans Building, 58 Court Street, 

            Hamilton HM 12. 


            Any person wishing to object must do so within 14 days of the date advertised.


            For further information on the objection procedure see the Development and Planning (Applications Procedure) 

            Rules 1997 and the Objections Guidance Note found on the Department website ( 





            Jennifer Cappadona

            56 South Road 

            Southampton SN02

            Proposed Roof Mounted Solar Panels. 190 Panels, 3914 Sq. Ft. Total. 78.85kW Total. (415W, 

            20.6 Sq. Ft. per Panel)

            (Final Approval)





            Government of Bermuda Department of Public Lands & Buildings

            81 South Road 

            Warwick WK08

            Proposed 6 Ft tall Green Chain‑link Fence with Galvanized Posts & Top Rails plus gates ‑ 

            Enclosing Quarry Garden

            (Final Approval)





            Richard Hornett

            17 Pitts Bay Road 

            Pembroke HM06

            Proposed New Garage

            (Final Approval)





            Jenson Bascome

            5 Port Royal Golf Course 

            Southampton SB03

            Proposal to Replace Six (6) Utility Poles at the Port Royal Golf Course Tennis Courts with New 

            Sports Light Poles with LED Light Fixtures (50'‑0" High Pole Length, to Match Existing).

            (Final Approval)