List of Proposed Planning Applications Advertised on January 19, 2021

Notice type
Government Notice
Notification of Planning Applications Registered
Notice ID
Public Authorities / Department
Publication date




                                                                     GOVERNMENT OF BERMUDA


                                                                           Department of Planning

                                           Dame Lois Browne‑Evans Building, 58 Court Street, Hamilton HM 12, Bermuda

                                                                  Phone: (441) 295‑5151 Fax: (441) 295‑4100





            Applications Advertised on January 19, 2021. This list was printed on January 19, 2021.


            Objections to applications must be received within 14 days of the date advertised (February 02, 2021)



                                                            Summary of Application Details



            The applications shown below are available for review on the EnerGov Customer Self Service Portal

            (, or during normal working hours at the

            Department of Planning, 5th Floor, Dame Lois Browne Evans Building, 58 Court Street, Hamilton HM 12.


            Letters of objection should state any interest which the objector(s) may have in property nearby, supply an address

            at which notice may be served on the objector(s), and provide a concise statement of the grounds of the objection.


            For further information on the objection procedure see the Development and Planning (Applications Procedure)

            Rules 1997.


            Application                                                                                                                               Application #





            Percival & Charmaine Barnett                                                                                                     PLAN‑0529‑20

            13 Long Ridge Pass 

            Devonshire BM DV01

            Proposed Conversion of Existing Derelict 4 Unit Apartment Complex into 5 Unit Apartment

            Complex, Additional Parking Space and Communal Trash Area.

            (Final Approval)