Health programmes in Bermuda

The Government of Bermuda offers health support programmes across the island.

Community Health Services

Provides health visiting and home care, including primary nursing and personal care services.

Community Health Nursing:

Provides primary care nursing in the home and arranges for other support services for patients, care-givers and the general public. Wound care, injections, vaccinations including flu shots and COVID 19 boosters for homebound persons.

Hours: 7 days per week, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Lunch 12:30-1:45pm)

Phone: 278-6470

Phone: 292-3095- Mailbox only (for weekends)


Health Visiting:

Health Visitors promote individual and community health by providing and coordinating health services for families, including home visits to new mothers. Provides health education and counselling to clients, their care givers and the general public. They visit Government preschools and serve as a resource on behalf of the Department of Health. The role is multifaceted.

Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:45 pm

Phone: (441) 278-6460

Personal Care Services:

Provides personal care to the elderly and the physically challenged in their homes by our Community Health Workers under the Supervision of Community Health Nurses. Must be referred by physician, very minimal services offered on emergency basis.

Note: Service is for a maximum of 3 months.

Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 12:30pm

Phone: 278-6470

Phone: 292-3095- Voice mailbox only for weekends

Community Rehabilitation Services

Physiotherapy Services:

Community physiotherapy services promote movement and functional independence for persons that experienced an injury, illness, or disability. It can also help prevent a person's future risk of injury or illness.

Community physiotherapy treatment and preventative approaches can be delivered in the home, school, residential care facility, or clinic setting, depending on the client's needs. Services are by medical referral for infants and children (0 – 18 years), seniors (65 years and older), and adults that meet established criteria; referrals are also accepted from designated personnel in educational settings for school-aged children.

Occupational Therapy Service:

Community occupational therapy services focus on enhancing the quality of life, and promoting functional independence in essential daily living tasks at work, school, home, or play for persons who have experienced an injury, illness, or disability. It can also help prevent a person's future risk of injury or illness.

Community occupational therapy treatment and preventative approaches can be delivered in the home, school, residential care facility, or clinic setting, depending on the client's needs. Services are by medical referral for infants and children (0 – 18 years), seniors (65 years and older), and adults that meet established criteria; referrals are also accepted from designated personnel in educational settings for school-aged children. 

Hours: Monday to Friday (by appointment), 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.

Phone: 278-6427


Location: Hamilton Health Centre – Annex (67 Victoria Street, Hamilton HM12)

Environmental Health Services

Environmental Health:

Ensures food safety in production, importation, storage and preparation and promotes good food handling practices. Inspects and approves licensing and grading of food premises. Advises on private potable water supplies; monitors water main supplies and sea bathing areas to ensure safe water quality. Investigates and monitors public health nuisances. Scrutinizes plans for plumbing, sewage, water supply and environmentally safe conditions in all premises through controls of planning and building development. Inspects and recommends the licensing of hairdressers, cosmetologists, tattooists, body piercers, residential care facilities, non-medical radiation, dairy farms and pasteurization plants.

Phone: 278-5333 or 278 5334

Plumbing hotline: 278 5338

Location: 6 Hermitage Road, Devonshire, FL 01

Vector Control:

Helps residents to control rodents and mosquitoes on their premises and is responsible for the general control of vermin in public places.

Phone: 278-5397


Hours of Operation: 7am – 3pm

Location: Old Metro Building, 6 Hermitage Road, Devonshire, FL01

Occupational Safety and Health:

Promotes safe working practices in all workplaces to prevent injury, disease and death. Ensures mandated safety and health committees and safety and health representatives to conduct self-monitoring and evaluation of workplace safety. Monitors mandatory reporting of all serious accidents and dangerous occurrences at workplaces and appropriate accident investigations. Ensures standards and promotes safety improvement in public, private and workplace venues through control and enforcement in areas such as: hazardous materials, tobacco, employee safety training, noise, building fitness, fire and emergency planning, first-aid provision and operations safety.

Phone: 278-5333 or 278-5383


Location: 6 Hermitage Road, Devonshire, FL 01

Port Health:

Carries out detection, assessment, notification, reporting and control of public health risks at Points of Entry (Airport and Seaports). Ensures Bermuda meets its obligations under the International Health Regulations in relation to travelers, conveyances, cargo and the Points of Entry. Responsible for the inspection of conveyances (ships and aircraft) including the issuance of Ship Sanitation Certificates and inspection of consignments of imported food for food safety purposes. Enforces legislation related to public health risks associated with international travel.

Phone: 278-5388 (8.30 -4.45);

Email: (monitored outside office hours)

Location: Old Metro Building, 6 Hermitage Road, Devonshire, FL01

Community Assessment and Health Promotion 

Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit:

This unit ensures surveillance and investigation of communicable and non-communicable diseases and follows up outbreaks, such as food and waterborne diseases. It is responsible for the routine collection, analysis, interpretation and distribution of information relevant for control and prevention of communicable and non-communicable disease. It also provides health education to health professionals and the general public.

Hours: Monday to Friday. 8:45 a.m. to 5:00 pm.

Phone: 278-4900


Location: Continental Building, 25 Church Street, HM12 Bermuda

Child Care Regulations Programme:

The Child Care Regulation Programme’s mission is to enhance the development of all young children by ensuring quality, accountability, compliance and best practice in child care settings.  This includes monitoring, inspecting and documenting visits of the Day Care Provider population, investigate complaints sometimes partnering with other government departments, and supporting and educating this population to encourage compliance. Childcare regulations ensure that those allowed to care can care according to laws & standards that are BEST for children.

Phone: 278-4936


Location: 25 Church Street, Continental Building, Hamilton Bermuda HM12

Health Promotion and Wellness Office

Develops and coordinates products, activities and programmes to promote lifestyles, environments and policies that are conducive to wellbeing and health. The Health Promotion and Wellness Office encourages the community to take the lead in improving health, and conducts population health surveys. The Department of Health provides lectures and presentations, on request, to schools, PTAs, clubs and organizations on a variety of health related topics. The emphasis is on preventive health services and health education. Requests for lectures or presentations may be addressed to the relevant programme or to the Health Promotion and Wellness Office.

Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Phone: 278-6500 or 278-6504


Location: 25 Church Street, Continental Building, Hamilton HM12

Healthy schools

Seeks to make schools, students and their families aware of information regarding healthy options and lifestyles, risk reduction, professional support, and services available; and to work with a range of partners to develop and implement programmes to create healthier environments for schools and students.

Phone: 278-6502

Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Location: 25 Church Street, Continental Building, Hamilton HM12

HIV/AIDS support

Provides case management, presentations and information on the most effective way to prevent the transmission of communicable diseases including HIV and AIDS and Tuberculosis and assists people who are infected to identify support, strengths and resources they need.

  • evaluate and assess home care needs of HIV and persons living with HIV/AIDS
  • conduct home visits for nursing care
  • provide pre- and post-test HIV counselling
  • provide counselling on death and dying

Telephone: (441) 278-6442 (office) and (441) 332-8881 (cell)
Hours: Monday and Tuesday, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 1:45 to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday to Friday, 1:45 to 3:30 p.m.
Location: 67 Victoria Street, Hamilton HM 12      

Nutrition Services:

Provides nutrition services to schools, rest homes and prisons, and promotes healthy eating behaviours in the prevention of chronic diseases in the population. Advises and monitors schools, rest homes and prisons on the development and implementation of appropriate nutrition policies. Provides talks, workshops and consultation on good nutrition practices to schools, PTAs, rest homes and government and community agencies. Individual nutritional assessment and counselling is provided to individuals at high nutritional risk.

Hours: Monday to Friday by appointment 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. (closed 12:30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.)

Phone: 278-6468 or 278-6469


Location: Hamilton Health Centre, 67 Victoria Street, Hamilton HM12

Speech Language & Hearing Services 

Services are provided through a broad range of professional activities. These include screening, identifying, assessing, diagnosing, referring and providing treatment and intervention, including consultation and follow up services to  persons from birth to  19  years of  age, with or  at risk for articulation, voice, fluency, language, communication, swallowing and related disabilities.

Hours: Monday to Friday (by appointment), 8:30 am to 4:45 p.m.

Phone: 278-6429


Location: Hamilton Health Centre – Annex 67 Victoria Street, Hamilton HM12