Register a Charity

To register a charity, you must complete an 

 and submit it to the Registry General along with:

  • a copy of the charity's constitution, which must have a dissolution clause stating that if the charity is wound up, its assets will be transferred to another registered charity having similar aims and purposes;
  • a copy of the charity’s bank mandate, which must require that financial transactions be approved by at least two independent trustees;
  • a signed 

    for each trustee.

If the application is approved, the details provided on the application form will be entered in the Register of Charities and a certificate of registration will be issued.

Renewal of charitable status (re-registrations)

Charities that are required to renew their charitable status can do so by:

Annual reporting requirements for all charities

All charities must submit the following to the Registrar General within six months of their financial year end:

  • completed 

  • annual financial statements signed by the Treasurer and one other officer of the charity. The type of financial reports that must be prepared depend on the charity’s annual income and assets.
  • the relevant annual fee

Financial Reports Required by Charities

The types of financial reports required to be prepared and submitted by charities are as follows:

  • Charities with an annual income of $50,000 or less must submit annual financial reports consisting of an income statement and a balance sheet
  • Charities with an annual income between $50,000 and $450,000 must submit annual unaudited management accounts consisting of an income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement and explanatory notes
  • Charities with an annual income of $450,000 or more must submit annual audited financial statements consisting of an income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement and explanatory notes
  • Charities with assets in excess of $1 million (before liabilities), irrespective of income, must submit annual audited financial statements consisting of an income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement and explanatory notes


Registered charities are required to pay an annual fee to the Registrar General, which is calculated based on their gross annual income:

  • where the annual income of the charity is $50,000 or less: $110
  • where the annual income of the charity exceeds $50,000 but is less than $450,000: $275
  • where the annual income of the charity exceeds $450,000: $445

The following fees also apply:

  • for inspecting the Register of Charities, or other material kept by the Registrar: $25 per hour
  • for a copy of an extract from the Register of Charities, or other material kept by the Registrar: $5 per sheet


Charitable Purposes and Public Benefit

All registered charities must operate for the benefit of the public. Charities must demonstrate how they benefit the public on applications for registration and in their Annual Report. The Registry General and the Charity Commissioners have issued 

to assist charities in meeting this requirement.

Protecting Vulnerable Persons

Charities that work with persons who are considered vulnerable because of their age (children or seniors), ill health, affiliation with crime, or physical or mental ability, must comply with the 

Anti-Money Laundering/Anti-Terrorist Financing (“AML/ATF”) Requirements

Registered charities with an annual income over $50,000 are required to appoint a compliance officer and comply with the 


aim to assist charity trustees to comply with their legal duties and responsibilities under the Charities (Anti-Money Laundering , Anti-Terrorist Financing  and Reporting) Regulations 2014 (“the Regulations”).