Update on Child Care Orders, Child Protection and Sexual and Domestic Abuse

Good Evening Bermuda

In this time of profound uncertainty, community welfare agencies face unprecedented challenges to ensure the safety, wellbeing, and permanency for our vulnerable citizens and their families. The Government of Bermuda understands the stress that many families have to bear while we shelter in place. We remain grateful for our third sector and charities who provide protection, accommodation, and support for our families and vulnerable members of the community. 

As the public health crisis persists, we must critically assess and safeguard the needs and rights of minor children and their parents who are the subject of Court-ordered arrangements. In particular, the existing law under Regulation 3(3) of the Emergency Powers (Covid-19 Shelter In Place) Regulations 2020 provides that for the avoidance of doubt, a minor child of parents who do not live together shall remain at the home where the child is living at the commencement of these Regulations cease to have effect. This provision has given rise to practical challenges for some parents who fall within this category.

As the Government continues to be responsive to the needs and concerns of all its citizens, I can report this evening that the Ministry of Legal Affairs in consultation with the Judiciary, we are in the process of considering amendments to the Regulations to address practical issues that have arisen for parents who share parental responsibility for minor children, and who do not live in the same home as the state of emergency and its accompanying restrictions has been extended. More information will be shared early next week.  

During the month of April, the Ministry commemorates several observances. This month we would typically focus awareness of National Child Abuse Prevention Month, Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention, and the International Week of the Young Child. While we have not had the opportunity to recognize these observances, I wish to thank our community partners for their unwavering support. We appreciate the services of the Centre Against Abuse, SCARS, the Coalition for the Protection of Children, the Family Centre and other charities who work with us to assist our most vulnerable citizens. 

We know that during this extended Shelter in Place period, children in abusive situations may be more susceptible to incidences of sexual abuse, physical abuse and neglect as they remain in their homes.

Should anyone in the community have concerns about the welfare of a child, please contact the Department of Child and Family Services on-call social worker on 332-0091 or the on-call supervisor on 335-9095. If it is an emergency, please call 911.

Since March 24, the Department of Child and Family Services has received 18 new referrals, requiring investigation. There have been 10 children exposed to domestic or family violence; 1 child in moral danger which means that the child has been exposed to unsafe behaviours such as drug trafficking, prostitution, theft, criminal behaviour and/or individuals engaged in active abuse of illegal substances; 1 lack report of supervision of a child; 2 child on child sexual abuse; 2 children physical abuse, and 2 referrals for parents abusing substances. Investigations are underway, and DCFS workers are making contact with the parents to ensure that safety plans are in place.

During this period of sheltering in place, all DCFS staff have been supporting clients weekly via video conferencing and telephone calls. DCFS has assisted in providing groceries and medication supplies to families and linking families to community resources such as the Eliza Doolittle, The Loren/BNTB initiative, Women’s Resource Center and the Coalition for the Protection of Children. Clients are given information on how to talk to their children about COVID-19. In addition to activities that they can do with their children. The Foster Parent Association is also gearing itself to assist foster parents who may be struggling through this period. 

The Department of Child and Family Services will continue to work closely with third sector partners, as well as public health partners to respond to any calls for assistance.

The public is reminded that domestic violence that involves adults-only is referred to the Centre Against Abuse and or the Bermuda Police Service.  

Since March 30 the Centre Against Abuse has reported that they answered over 34 calls on their hotline; worked with five clients to complete filing six Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVPOs); and assisted four families with safe shelters.

Between March 23 and April 13, 2020, the Courts have issued 13 Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVOPs). The public is reminded that the Centre Against Abuse operates a 24/7 hotline for victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault. The Centre’s hotline line numbers are 297-8278 and 292-4366.

We share the concerns of the Centre Against Abuse and note that there are persons in our community, who are in abusive situations, but are not ready to take the step of leaving their abusers. In such situations, the Centre of Abuse recommends the following safety tips:

  • Be very aware of your partner’s mood, and when you see it changing for the worse, if you can, get out of the house to a safe space
  • Identify safe spaces in your home, that you can go to should an argument break out:
    • Rooms with windows and doors
    • Spaces without weapons, such as knives, bottles, etc
  • If violence is unavoidable, and you are stuck and cannot escape, crouch right down on the floor and curl up into a small ball on the floor with your face towards the floor and protected and your hands over your head and your elbows covering the sides of your face
  • If possible, always keep your phone on you so you can call 911
  • Ask a neighbour to call 911 should they hear anything from your home
  • Ask your children to call 911 should they hear or see any abuse
  • Set up a secret code word like ”RONA” with a close friend or family member that you can send to them, so they know that it means to call 911 for you
  • Teach your children to get out of the house safely
  • If you can, reach out and talk to trusted family and friends to release your stress
  • You can search safely online for counselling assistance with CAA via info@centreagainstabuse.bm

To every woman, child and man, it is important to note that nothing that a victim does, deserves any abuse from an abuser.

We encourage anyone in the community in need of assistance to review the Third Sector Crisis Response Essential Services Contact sheet which provides a list of available help and support resources at www.gov.bm/coronavirus-resources

In closing, we urge you to stay informed and vigilant. Do not live in an abusive situation. There is help available as previously stated, please reach out to us.