Minister Foggo - Unemployment Benefit update - 13 April

The Government is working tirelessly to do what is necessary to financially assist our fellow Bermudians during this pandemic.

While there are a number of applications in train, to date I can confirm that around 3,811 individuals have been paid an unemployment benefit. This represents a total of just over $3.4 million. 

Many have received their initial payments and more will be receiving payments today (April 13) and on Friday (April 17).  By Friday we estimate a further 1,197 applicants will have been paid for an additional cost of $966,000 bringing the total applicants paid to 5,008. 

Those who have received their Unemployment Benefit will have received two weeks of the benefit and as the two week anniversary approaches, they will be eligible to receive another payment.  This will continue until they are either reemployed or the 12 weeks of benefit is up.

During this time of unprecedented uncertainty the Government wants to make sure that no one will be left behind.

To further expedite the payments we have brought in staff from other Departments to assist and are working with the larger employers to speed up the application process.

We are here to assist and to ensure that no one falls through the cracks.

As a reminder applications can be made online through either the Bermuda Job Board or at 

You do not need to pay a fee to anyone to assist you in submitting an application.  There are a number of help line numbers to call for assistance:

• 297-7714
• 297-7716
• 707-5439
• 707-5438
• 707-5440
• 707-5442

The ‘707’ numbers can also be contacted via WhatsApp.

Our team continue to review the submitted applications to ensure that the applicant is eligible.  They are approving and processing for payments those who are. We are working diligently to get these payments to you as quickly as we can.

A number of payments have been delayed as applicants have not keyed in their correct bank account details.  Please take care when completing your application to ensure that you have keyed in the correct details and have the supporting documents attached to your application.

We recognize that there are a number of self-employed Bermudians who are not registered with the Office of the Tax Commissioner making them ineligible to receive the benefit.  
We recognize that some of these individuals are struggling financially and we are currently looking at ways to assist them.

For those who are not eligible for the Unemployment Benefit, there are a number of options available under our consideration. This Government’s intention is that no one will go hungry. Please reach out if you are in this predicament and require assistance. 

Bermuda ‘we are our brother’s keeper’; and we will get through this together.

Thank you.