Public Health (COVID-19 Emergency Powers) (Phased Re-opening) Regulations 2021 Amended

During the recent coronavirus outbreak, the Public Health (COVID-19 Emergency Powers) (Phased Re-opening) Regulations 2021 were amended to, among other things, require the use of SafeKey for indoor activities such as dining and all approved large group exemptions – whether indoors or outdoors.

The Regulations have been amended to allow restaurants to accept either SafeKey or a Bermuda issued vaccination certificate for those wishing to dine indoors. This amendment assists our seniors who may find it difficult to download a Safekey. The amendment change also removes the requirement for SafeKey at all large group gatherings.

The Minister of Youth, Culture & Sports retains the power to impose conditions on any large group exemption and will continue to apply the conditions he deems appropriate to any approval granted. He has indicated SafeKey will continue to apply to indoor events and for spectators at sporting events. This is consistent with the Regulations, which currently require SafeKey to be used in several indoor venues such as restaurants, bars, clubs and gyms. The use of SafeKey continues to be encouraged at all large gatherings as a valuable mitigation measure to prevent another outbreak.