Netball courts refurbishments

The Ministry of Youth, Culture and Sport is pleased to advise that work on the government-owned netball courts at Bernard’s Park is nearly complete.

The Ministry notes that due to increased use and harsh weather conditions, the court has experienced its share of wear and tear over the last several months.

However, repair works are moving along swiftly to ensure that the courts are ready for the upcoming netball season.

The Ministry takes this opportunity to thank the Department of Works and Engineering for their assistance in asphalting the surface and conducting the necessary repairs and upgrades.

The Minister of Youth, Culture and Sport, Sen. Owen K. Darrell said, “As previously noted by the Ministry, netball one of the island’s most popular recreational activities, with more than 400 registered players in Bermuda. We are committed to supporting sports at all levels and in all disciplines. This is a tangible demonstration of our support. So, we’re very pleased that we were able to resolve any outstanding issues with the netball courts and we wish all the teams who will use this facility a successful season.”