Minister of Home Affairs Urges Public to Consider Alternatives to Single-Use Plastics During Cup Match Holiday

The Minister of Home Affairs, the Hon. Walter Roban is urging the public to, once again, consider using non-plastic, reusable items this Cup Match holiday.


The Minister said, “The time to rethink the use of single-use plastics is now. As you prepare for your holiday events, enjoy outdoor areas, and prepare to run concessions - I want to encourage the Bermuda public to consider alternatives to items such as plastic cups, food containers, plates, straws, plastic cutlery, plastic bags and the like.”


The Minister continued, “When shopping this holiday, take a few extra seconds to inquire about available alternatives to single-use plastic items. Many retailers around the island have begun to offer re-usable straws, utensils, cups and more. I want to encourage everyone to take advantage of these items and explore alternative options when purchasing plastic products.”


“As this country moves towards the elimination of single-use plastics, it is important that we all do our part to contribute to a greener and cleaner Bermuda.”


Additionally, persons can help to keep Bermuda clean and beautiful by disposing of all trash responsibly. At any events you host or attend, consider bringing your own bags and containers for trash disposal.


The Ministry of Home Affairs also takes this opportunity to wish everyone a safe, happy and plastic-free Cup Match holiday.