Employee salaries following Humberto

The Ministry of Labour, Community Affairs and Sports is issuing the following advisory regarding employee pay following Hurricane Humberto.

Today the Minister, the Hon. Lovitta Foggo said, “We’ve been inundated with inquiries from the public regarding salary deductions as a result of missed work days due to Hurricane Humberto last week. A number of employees have explained that because of road closures, school and nursery closures, property damage and fallen utility poles and wires, they were prevented from attending their place of employment following Hurricane Humberto. And many of these workers have been advised that their salaries will suffer as a result.

“These are uncontrollable and unfortunate events, and the Ministry encourages employers to seek alternative measures as it relates to staff absences. Measures such as applying unused paid leave as opposed to not paying workers who were absent as a result of the hurricane should be considered by employers.

“The Ministry in conjunction with the unions and employer groups certainly appreciate the delicate financial position of our employers as it relates to their continued business operations. However, we’re asking for these employers to please ensure that these employment issues are addressed equitably.

“In the interim, workers who are still experiencing issues following the hurricane are strongly urged to communicate with their employers so that solutions can be enacted in a timely manner.

“Lastly, for any private sector employer who is challenged in meting out fair and equitable pay following last week’s hurricane should contact the Labour Relations Section so that our officers can assist you. The Labour Relations Section is located at 23 Parliament Street, Hamilton in the old Magistrates’ Court building. They are open Monday to Friday from 8.45 am – 5.00 pm and can be reached on 297-7714/16.”