Notice ID Title Public Authorities / Department Notice type Publication date
GN0015/2018 List of Proposed Planning Applications Registered between 11/2/2018 and 11/8/2018 Planning Government Notice, Notification of application for development plan
GN0014/2018 Acting Appointment: Chief Immigration Officer, Department of Immigration Cabinet Headquarters Government Notice, Acting Appointments
GN0013/2018 Acting Appointment: DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF POLICE, BERMUDA POLICE SERVICE Cabinet Headquarters Government Notice, Acting Appointments
GN0012/2018 Acting Appointment: DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF POLICE, BERMUDA POLICE SERVICE Cabinet Headquarters Government Notice, Acting Appointments
GN0011/2018 Acting Appointment: PERMANENT SECRETARY, MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND TRANSPORT Cabinet Headquarters Government Notice, Acting Appointments
GN0010/2018 Acting Appointment: DIRECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES Cabinet Headquarters Government Notice, Acting Appointments
GN0009/2018 Acting Appointment: POSTMASTER GENERAL, BERMUDA POST OFFICE Cabinet Headquarters Government Notice, Acting Appointments
GN0008/2018 Acting Appointment: DIRECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Cabinet Headquarters Government Notice, Acting Appointments
GN0007/2018 Acting Appointment: DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS Cabinet Headquarters Government Notice, Acting Appointments
GN0006/2018 Acting Appointment Cabinet Headquarters Government Notice, Acting Appointments