Transport Minister and Road Safety Chairman Joint Statement on Recent Road Death

The Minister of Transport the Hon. Lawrence Scott, JP, MP and Bermuda Road Safety Council, Chairman Dennis Lister III, JP, MP have extended condolences to the family of latest the road traffic fatality.

Minister Scott said, "We extend our sincere condolences to the family of Mr. Albert Simmons. Our thoughts and prayers are with them today." 

Minister Scott added, "We are deeply troubled that road traffic accidents have claimed the lives of 16 people in our community. With each road fatality, I am reminded of the families and friends grieving the loss of a loved one. There are too many in our community who have been affected and suffering from sudden and unexpected loss. We must never stop talking about road safety and encouraging responsible behaviour on Bermuda's roads. To all road users, motor vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians, please use extra care and caution on our roads."

The Bermuda Road Safety Council (BRSC)Chairman, Dennis Lister, JP, MP, said, "The Bermuda Road Safety Council would like to send their prayers and heartfelt sympathies to the family and friends of the recent road fatality that occurred in Southampton on Sunday.

"We are deeply saddened to hear of your loss, and we pray that you have comfort and strength during this difficult time. 

"We want to remind the motoring public that road safety is everyone's responsibility, and we all must do our part to keep our roads safe. The BRSC would like to implore all drivers, especially motorcycle riders, to please drive with care, caution, and courtesy to slow down and not drink and drive. 

"Remember, Cautious Drivers plus Safer Roads equal a Safer Bermuda."