The Minister of Public Works, Lt. Col. the Hon. David Burch, OBE, ED, JP, MP, reminds the public of their responsibility regarding waste management.
Minister Burch said, “The general public is reminded to adhere to the normal garbage collection schedule. This includes ensuring your garbage is placed curbside before 7:30 am on your regularly scheduled collection day.
“If you are late putting out your garbage, and all your neighbour’s trash has been collected – please do not continue to place it out for collection and later call Marsh Folly to complain your trash hasn’t been collected. In those circumstances - you must take it back home and store it in a lidded bin until your next scheduled collection day.”
“Likewise the public was informed that the Tynes Bay Public drop off is CLOSED for the two week State of Emergency. Also, as per the Shelter in Place Guidelines, residents should not be travelling to the public drop off for any reason. Yet, there are those in the community making the trip, and worse, simply leaving their garbage at the locked gate.”
“Similarly, please stop leaving garbage at bus stops, public docks or school dumpsters. It is selfish, inconsiderate, and irresponsible.”
“In this period when so many public services are curtailed - we are privileged that our sanitation workers are out there every day doing their job to keep our Island clean.”
“I am asking that those who are doing this - cease and desist - you are breaking the law and quite simply disrespecting all our citizens who are doing their part. We are in a crisis and our efforts should be solely focussed on stopping the spread of COVID-19 in Bermuda, not addressing other health issues and the irresponsible behaviour of a few.”
“Please give a thought to your fellow Bermudians and a special thought to our sanitation workers who are doing the job many of us would never consider doing. On their behalf, I thank the majority of residents who are following the rules and responsibly disposing of their garbage.”
“Anyone with information that can assist in identifying offenders are encouraged to contact the Education and Enforcement Officer at the Ministry of Public Works at 501-3114 or”