The Minister of Education, the Hon. Diallo Rabain, JP, MP today responded to a media statement issued by the BUT regarding a change in course for teacher engagement in remote learning.
Minister Rabain said, "Despite the current challenges our island is facing, I am pleased to report that most of our teachers remain engaged and continue to work remotely, participated in planning meetings held this week via Zoom and providing remote learning activities for our students. I am encouraged by what looks to be a change of heart from the BUT as it relates to teachers working remotely.
"In a letter to the Commissioner of Education sent on March 30 the BUT indicated that that they were not going to engage with the Ministry and Department of Education because they did not agree with the decision that was made in February that was based on a long standing Government Policy."
"In spite of this position taken by the BUT, the Commissioner of Education reached out to the BUT to invite them to participate in a remote meeting on April 1 to get their input for planning for the weeks after the Easter Break. After several attempts to invite the BUT to meet, the BUT wrote back and on both occasions declined to participate in the Zoom meeting.
"The Department of Education communicated plans to principals and teachers on April 2, 2020, indicating that all staff would be required to work remotely during the weeks of April 6th and 13th, 2020 and that we had suspended remote learning for the week of April 13, 2020. This was also communicated at the daily COVID-19 Press Conference held on April 3"
"During the week of April 6, school staff are focusing on developing a plan for the reopening of school and the development of activities for students to complete during the week of April 13, 2020. I can report that school leaders are submitting those plans today, and the activities for students will be distributed to parents and guardians by tomorrow.
"During the week of April 13 school staff will focus on determining what remote learning will look like moving forward, given the lessons, they learned from the week of March 23 and they will also be developing individual plans for their students as it relates to the reopening of school. During this week, remote learning is suspended while staff engage in necessary planning; however, students are to complete the activities assigned to them by their teachers. "
"I was made aware that on April 3, the BUT sent a letter to their members telling them not to use their personal devices and resources to engage in any form of remote work or learning. Our teachers did a first-class job with remote learning during the week of March 23, and a decision discouraging them from using their personal devices and resources would disadvantage our students."
"I am very pleased to learn today that the BUT Executive and General Secretary look to have had a change of heart about their members engaging in remote work moving forward as doing so will benefit our students and also demonstrate support for parents during this very challenging period for Bermuda."