Premier's Remarks - St. David’s Primary School, St. David’s

Press Conference Minister of Education

Today Premier David Burt and Minister Diallo Rabain gave remarks regarding Parish Primary Schools.

Remarks by:
Parish Primary School Announcement
The Hon. E. David Burt, JP, MP
Premier & Minister of Finance

St. David’s Primary School, St. David’s

Good afternoon. I am pleased to join my colleagues, the Minister of Education Diallo Rabain and the Minister of Youth, Social Development & Seniors and area MP Tinee Furbert, as well as the MP for St. David’s, Ms. Lovitta Foggo.

As a father who has trusted the public school system with the education of my children, I know first-hand the importance of education reform to Bermudian families. Whether knocking on doors, at public meetings, or in encounters at community events, people share with me the same hopes and desires for an education system that provides the best teaching and learning experience for their children and grandchildren that I want for my own.

The days when governments went off and made decisions without involving the people impacted has passed and the thoughts and feelings of the people we serve must be a part of all that we do. That is what this Government has demonstrated over the last 7 years, and will continue to demonstrate in the future.

Our decisions announced today have been made in the best interests of the communities these schools serve, having heard directly from parents, guardians and interested residents, and members of the Government backbench.

You spoke, we listened, and an outcome that we feel is in the best interest of all of Bermuda's students - current and in the future - has been reached and agreed by Cabinet.

While the delivery of education reform is complex, this has been a collaborative process from the start, and we thank everyone who helped us to reach these decisions and all those who will be a part of future decisions.

The beauty of our tiny island is that our elected representatives are close to us. We grew up together, we worship together, our children play sports together and we often shop at the same time, all of which affords a unique opportunity for anyone to share a point of view with their MP or a Senator. That is something we as your representatives never forget and we encourage you to continue to speak your mind and let your voices be heard.

Today we stand in a unique community who know what it feels like to go unheard. Whose rich and varied history is punctuated by sacrifice.

In the name of war, development, transport, housing and more, over several decades, St. David’s has been made to surrender much of what made it that unique community in Bermuda. In considering whether to Build a Parish Primary School on this site for the community of St. David's, this history weighed heavily on our minds.

Keeping this site as a Parish Primary School is a means of preserving something of that unique St. David’s which does not require this community to again surrender land, custom, tradition or memory.

The history and legacy of our schools, this community and the Sandys community have given much to our island and now we step into the future united in working for the benefit of our children.

Our growing economy and the financial contribution that it makes to our society must include our children occupying those jobs that drive that economic growth.

Thank you.