Premier Extends Condolences - Martha Dismont MBE

“A selfless servant of the people, who was committed to uplifting the lives others,” said Premier David Burt following the passing of Martha Dismont, MBE.
Premier Burt said, “I join with many in the community in reflecting on the incredible life of Martha Dismont."

“Martha was passionate about making a difference in our community. From her tireless work with the Family Centre to her relentless work of addressing the challenges of gang violence and anti-social behaviour in our neighbourhoods - Martha made it her mission to work across all sectors to seek solutions that bettered Bermuda. But Martha’s lifelong purpose was working with and advocating for Bermuda’s families."

“Martha Dismont was unmatched in galvanising people to get more involved so that we could make progress in fixing the disparities in our community. She wanted us to care about our young people, our families and the challenges and traumas they were facing. She encouraged us to help where we can by supporting Bermuda's families and making a difference in their lives in whatever small way."

“She always believed that more could be done to give those continuing to struggle hope. Martha challenged Premiers, Ministers, Parliamentarians, policy makers and every Bermudian to have more compassion for those who were suffering. That was her greatest impact and that will be her greatest legacy."

“On behalf of the Government and people of Bermuda, I extend my deepest and sincerest condolences to Martha’s family, loved ones and friends. Her advocacy is a great loss to Bermuda, and she will be truly missed.”