Power of One Rally - TN Tatem Middle School event

Good afternoon all:
Please note the attached photos from today’s Power of One Youth Rally which took place at the TN Tatem Middle  School. The Power of One Youth Rally - organized by the Mirrors Program and the Ed Block Foundation - is geared towards middle school students aged 10 -14 years old. The event provides them an opportunity to enjoy a fun-filled, energising and empowering day with NFL players, local athletes and community advocates. The focus is onsharing motivational messages of encouragement and helping our youth make positive life choices.
On behalf of the Government, Premier Michael Dunkley welcomed the group of middle school students, NFL players and other attendees.
During Premier Dunkley’s remarks he noted: “The significance of events such as these for our young people are critical now more than ever. Today's engagement with our young people is an opportunity to remind them of their importance and their value. Through events such as these, they learn that we appreciate them, that we support them and that we will do whatever is necessary to help them succeed. 
“So today, we thank the organisers of the Power of One Rally. Certainly a special thanks to David Bascome, John Cibula, the Ministry of Social Development and Sports, and of course to Kim Jackson and the Mirrors team - we appreciate all that you do, keep up the great work. To our young people, I cannot stress enough that you are the future of Bermuda. It will be you who we will look to guide to us into a greater Bermuda. Each and every one of you will make a difference in the direction of our Country. Enjoy your day today and please take to heart each of the messages imparted to you by the Power of One leaders here today.”
Today’s event was one in a series of activities as part of the Ed Block Bermuda Celebrity Classic Events.




