Ministry of Public Works Announces the Reopening of St. John’s Road at Cedar Avenue Junction After Successful Repairs

St Johns Road

"I am pleased with the efficient efforts of Sunrise Construction Ltd. in restoring St. John's Road to its full functionality,” commented Minister of Public Works, Lt. Col. the Hon. David A. Burch, OBE (Mil), ED, JP, MP.

The Ministry is pleased to announce the reopening of St. John's Road at the junction with Cedar Avenue in Pembroke on Saturday, May 11, 2024.

The road area had been closed for nine months due to repairs necessitated by an incident involving a crane toppling over an embankment on St. Johns Road. It is worth giving some history to this project.

The repairs have been a deceptively large project, and generally, the work has gone well.  However, some time was lost at the start for administrative approvals, as they coincided with the cyber-attack.

Sunrise quoted a 16-to-17-week construction programme with a 1-month timeline for designing and ordering reinforcement.  

7 August 2023 Incident occurred.
10 August 2023                    

Design completed in-house.


15 August 2023                     RFQ issued.
24 August 2023 Bids received from contractors.
5 September 2023                 Cabinet awards recommendation completed by structures.
12 October 2023                   Cabinet conclusion number received 30(23)3.
17 October 2023                  

Contract sent to Sunrise Construction.


26 October 2023                   Contract signed.
9 November 2023              

Reinforcement drawings received from Sunrise. Comments returned.


16 November 2023              

Reinforcement drawings approved and issued for fabrication/galvanising.


December 2023

During this time rebar was ordered, fabricated, and delivered.


2 January 2024                   

Road excavation begins through January 2024. Reinforcement for footing installed.


9 February 2024                

Footing concrete poured through February 2024. Reinforcement for vertical wall installed.


12 March 2024                      First half concrete pour for wall.
22 March 2024                      Second half concrete pour for wall.


Since the unfortunate incident in August 2023, the Ministry's dedicated team of engineers and construction professionals have worked tirelessly to ensure the safe and efficient repair of the damaged wall structure along St. John's Road. 

The Ministry is proud to report that the wall repairs have been completed to the highest standards, and the road is now ready to welcome back motorists.

Repair works included reinstatement of new traffic loops that were damaged during the incident, reinstallation of traffic lights, and thorough testing of traffic light phasing cycles to ensure optimal functionality. 

The construction team has also restriped pavement arrows and stop bars and commenced minor curb and sidewalk repairs around the traffic lights.

Minister Burch expressed his satisfaction with the completion of the repairs, adding: “This accomplishment demonstrates our commitment to maintaining Bermuda's infrastructure to the highest standards while ensuring the safety and convenience of all road users." 

The Ministry of Public Works thanks the public for their patience and cooperation during the repair works.