Ministry of Public Works Announces Bermuda Day Holiday Waste Collection Schedule Changes

Waste Collection

The Ministry of Public Works advises that due to the Bermuda Day holiday on Friday, 24 May 2024, household waste that would normally be collected on that day will instead be collected on Saturday, 25 May.

Recycling collection occurs every other week and will not be impacted by the holiday. The next household recycling collections will occur on 30 May in the west and the 31st in the east.

The Tynes Bay Public Drop-Off will remain open on the 24th from 9 a.m. until noon. This free waste disposal service is available to the drivers of private cars and L and LP vehicles.

It accepts all household waste, small metal waste, wooden items, Tin, Aluminium, and Glass (TAG) recyclables, waste paint, pesticides, used motor oil, fluorescent tubes, CFLs, and household and vehicle batteries.

Residents are requested to refrain from leaving trash at the facility's gates outside operating hours.