"Amidst the challenges faced by many during this festive period, Bermuda's compassionate Third Sector Organisations have served as pillars of support, and on behalf of the Government of Bermuda, I extend heartfelt appreciation for the dedication to people in need." said the Minister of Youth, Social Development, and Seniors, The Hon. Tinée S. Furbert, JP, MP.
"The outpouring of generosity and kindness by our Third Sector Organisations reflect the core values of our Island - compassion and unity. Their selfless actions have ensured that people do not feel alone or forgotten and uplifted the spirits of those in need of support."
Minister Furbert added, "Leading up to the holidays, I enjoyed the opportunity to volunteer alongside The Eliza Do Little Society. I want again express gratitude to the Eliza Do Little Society and all organisations that played a crucial role in fostering a sense of togetherness during the holidays."
Minister Furbert concluded, "Bermuda, beyond the holidays, let's embrace the spirit of giving and compassion so that we can make a difference in the lives of marginalized people in our community. Now more than ever, it is imperative that we unite and extend our support to Bermuda's Third Sector Organisations. This will help us to collectively ensure that no one in our community is left behind."