Minister Ming ~ Holiday shooting incident

Today the Minister of National Security, the Hon. Renee Ming expressed concern about last night's shooting and offered the following.

Minister Ming said, “Regrettably our holiday was marred by a firearms incident. Thankfully the injuries weren’t life threatening. However it is still extremely concerning that the peace of the holiday was disturbed in this way. I have been updated about the matter by the Bermuda Police Service, and last evening on behalf of the Gang Violence Reduction Team (GVRT), Pastor Leroy Bean visited the hospital to check on the victim and his family. 

“The GVRT will also be present in the affected area today to meet with businesses and residents to listen to, and address any concerns. Of course, as a community we must do what we can to stamp out all forms of violence and anti-social behavior, so I encourage anyone who has any information about this incident to please share what you know with the police.”