Government to observe International Women's Day

Observed March 8, each year, the Government of Bermuda advised that it will recognize International Women’s Day (IWD).

And tomorrow, Government Ministers and several members of the public service will participate in a number of internal and external activities to highlight the day.

Tomorrow morning, the Minister of National Security, Renee Ming will join women from the uniformed services departments (Corrections, Customs) to greet commuters at the Crow Lane round-a-bout.

Also, tomorrow morning, the Minister of Social Development and Seniors, Tinee Furbert will address attendees at a BPSU International Women’s Day event. 

On Tuesday afternoon, Ministers will participate in the IWD observations on the steps of City Hall.

And as part of a government-wide awareness effort, a select group of women who are breaking down barriers and breaking biases will be highlighted and featured internally and on the government’s social media platforms.

This evening a Government spokeswoman said, “Each year, International Women’s Day is dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of women’s equality. This year’s theme is 'Break the Bias,'.

“Internally we will be honouring women in the service who are excelling in their respective areas and professions. Let's never forget that women have always been on the frontlines leading change and making a difference. And tomorrow on International Women’s Day, the Government is pleased to support all those hard-working public servants who are going above and beyond and breaking the bias to make a difference.”