Don’t Drink and Drive/Arrive Alive

"The Bermuda Road Safety Council (BRSC) would like to take this time to offer our most heartfelt condolences to the friends and family of the recent road fatality. Losing a loved one is never easy.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.”

The Cup Match Holiday has come and gone.  We are now in the month of August.  The BRSC is now introducing our new monthly topic – Don’t Drink & Drive/Arrive Alive.   

The summer months always bring about a festive mood.  Often linked to that is an increase in the consumption of alcoholic beverages.   As always, we encourage everyone to be responsible and plan how you are getting home safely.

The BRSC encourages all persons who decide to go out and consume alcohol to use one of the following options instead or driving or riding:-

·hire a taxi or minibus;

·have a designated driver;

·use Home Safe or HITCH;

·call a friend or family member to collect you.

We also recommend that all event planners and organizers  implement the BRSC’s Transportation Plan, to ensure that your guests get home safely. If you would like to work with the BRSC on creating a Transportation Plan for your event, please send an email to

According to Section 35A of the Road Traffic Act 1947 – “Any person who drives or attempts to drive, or who has care or control of, a vehicle on a road or other public place, whether it is in motion or not, having consumed alcohol in such quantity that the proportion of it in blood exceeds the prescribed limit, commits an offence”.

According to the Bermuda Police Service statistics, there were 31 collisions between January and June of 2021 where motorists decided to drive while under the influence of alcohol.  This number is very alarming and the BRSC takes a strong stand against Drunk Driving.

In closing, the BRSC reminds the public to drive with care, caution and courtesy, reduce your speed and DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE.  We must all do our part to make our roads safer. 

Remember – Cautious Drivers = Safer Roads = A Safer Bermuda