Department of Corrections Book Drive

The Ministry of National Security is advising that for the remaining month of October and month of November the Department of Corrections is spearheading a Community Book Drive for inmates.

The Minister of National Security, the Hon. Renee Ming said, “The Department of Corrections has quite a number of avid readers within our correctional facilities who are very interested in reading new books particularly, in the genres of culture, non-fiction, education, business, self-help, and spirituality. 

“There's also an interest for specific fiction authors. We would be grateful for new books, in these areas, from which our incarcerated residents can be mentally stimulated and encouraged in their personal growth. I wish to take this opportunity to thank the entire team at the Department of Corrections for introducing this initiative, as well as the local book stores who have generously partnered with us.”

Interested members of the community are encouraged to visit local bookstores, The Bookmart or The Griot this month and next month to purchase a book for any of the correctional facilities. For logistical purposes, books that are purchased will be left at the stores and collected by Department of Corrections personnel. The public is thanked in advance for their participation and support of the Community Book Drive.