Bermuda Road Safety Council: Maintain Your Distance

The BRSC would like to take this opportunity to remind motorists of their duty to drive safely while on the roads. Our slogan for the month is “Maintain your distance”.

It is very important to maintain a safe distance behind the vehicle in front of you while driving. The “following distance” is the term for the distance that you should be behind a vehicle. The correct following distance is 2 seconds in good driving conditions and 4 in bad conditions. The proper way to measure your distance is to time when the vehicle in front of you passes a stationery object and then when you pass that object. By keeping the correct following distance, you can have enough time to react to any situation in front of you.

Tailgating is a prevalent problem in Bermuda. Tailgating is dangerous, that if the vehicle in front must suddenly brake, there is no time for the vehicle in back to react.

Maintaining your distance, along with focusing on the road are good behaviors that should be practiced while driving.

The BRSC sends a plea out to motorcycle riders to ride with care and caution. The prevalent disregard for safety while riding is astounding. We want to encourage riders to obey the traffic laws and to slow down. Recently we have seen an increase in hazardous riding, specifically “wheelie popping”, which is dangerous and wreck-less. While this act may seem harmless, when it is done on public or private roads it puts surrounding traffic at danger. This activity is an offense against the Road Traffic Act 1947 and should not be practiced on our roads.

The government has set aside a specific location for bike activities to take place and we encourage all riders to save their riding skills for that location.

The road safety council continues to press on with our mandate to educate and raise awareness for road safety in Bermuda. We all must to do our individual part to help make our roads safer.

In closing, drive with care and caution, don’t drink and drive, and slow down Bermuda.