Queen’s Birthday Party 2017

On 20 April 2017 His Excellency the Governor welcomed a wide cross section of the community to Government House to celebrate the 91st birthday of Her Majesty The Queen.  Amongst those present were first-time attendees who had applied for an invitation to attend through the online ballot as well as volunteers who were nominated to receive an invitation by their respective charities.

In his speech the Governor commented on Her Majesty’s sense of duty and her dedication to public service.  He observed that this year the Royal Bermuda Regiment together with five local charities had been invited to have an information stand at the Party to raise awareness of their work.  These charities included:  The Bermuda National Trust, The Bermuda Red Cross, SCARS, PALS and The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award.

The Governor said:  “I know that each of these charities, and indeed many others in their own areas of speciality, make a real difference in support of the people of this Island and its communities. And if they have inspired you to volunteer yourselves – all the better.”




