2nd Caribbean ESG and Climate Financing Summit

Ministry of
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

The Minister of Home Affairs, the Hon. Walter H. Roban, JP, MP was invited by New Energy Events to speak at the 2nd Caribbean ESG and Climate Financing Summit held on the 29 and 30 November 2022.

The event originally launched in 2021, brought together corporate, government and finance leaders. It was an opportunity for Minister Roban to share his initiatives in this area. 

Minister Roban participated in live panel discussions, an invitation only workshop, interviews and presentations. He highlighted the challenges in the Caribbean region, including the need for those in the Caribbean to work together to advance climate change and implement appropriate policies to address rising sea levels. 

Minister Roban stated that, "As an Island, Bermuda must stand alongside our sister nations in the Caribbean and work together to address the challenges of climate change. We will bear the brunt of rising seawater and other challenges it brings. This summit was an excellent opportunity to reinforce that message and share what Bermuda is doing around our Blue Economy Strategy and maritime environment.

The organisers of the summit covered the cost of travel, accommodation and meals for Minister Roban. 


Air Travel
Ground Transportation
Total costs