Island Wide Revaluations

Timeline for a Revaluation

There is a five year life cycle of a Valuation List, which includes an Island wide revaluation of all properties in Bermuda.

Annual Rental Value in the 2015 Valuation List

Learn important information about your Annual Rental Value in the 2015 Valuation List.

2015 Draft Valuation List Notification Letter

The new

was placed on deposit on 31st December, 2015 at all Post Offices throughout the Island and in the Land Valuation Department.  The 2015 Draft Valuation List is now the confirmed 2015 Valuation List and came into effect for land taxation purposes on 1st January, 2016.  Find out more about property valuations in Bermuda.

Notice of Objection Form

Following the deposit of a Draft Valuation List, taxpayers have six months to lodge a valid Notice of Objection Form with the Department.  Learn more about objections to annual rental values and how to complete an Objection Form.